Exaclibur Solution

Excalibur Solution is provided digital display solution



  • + convert TV to digital Advertising signing Disply player for any business

    ₹15340.00 /item


    * player prize  ₹7500/-

    * player license key 3  year – 3000/-

    * shipping  ₹500/-

    * device installation commissioning  ₹2000/

    *Estimated  By+ 3 year  Activation  key player

    *Total  1 year product warranty

    ₹ 13000/-+ Gst 18%  =₹15340/-


    Note :- As per Design video  customer Requirement As per Extra change  not Included

    Amc charge Extra As online  Booking  not Including

    (Hardware  software player + Minimum Fist  3 to 5 year  choose According   plan Discuss About  seller service provider freelancer Activation only )

                     Inquiry about product  & project Software  lifetime key 

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    Fiture  of player

    1. The system is fully centralized and controls the client’s display network.
    2. An informative Dashboard having all the details that the user needs to manage
    the displays
    a) Online screen Status
    b) Offline Screen Status
    c) Total Screen Count
    d) Map the Location of each screen
    e) Playback Quick report
    f) Quick Logs of the accounts
    3. Dedicated screens section to explore all the screen information on your
    network. Screens information like
    a) Screen name
    b) Current playlist playing.
    c) Orientation of the screen.
    d) Expiry Date of the screen.
    e) Last update time of the screen.
    4. Manage your creatives and unique widgets with easy library management.
    5. The system supports different types of media files
    a) Images – png, jpg, jpeg
    b) Videos – mp4
    6. Play around with multiple Widgets
    a) YouTube
    b) Ticker/scroller
    c) Web URLs and pages
    d) Live streaming
    e) Text
    f) Weather (Multiple locations)
    g) Clock (Analog and Digital)
    h) RSS feeds

    7. Store operation level features

    a) Auto starts the application when the display power gets on.
    b) Auto restart the application when any crash or troubleshoots happens.
    c) CMS has the functionality to restart the device remotely.
    d) CMS has the functionality to restart the application remotely.
    e) Get the proof of play as a screenshot for each display.
    f) Get the device protected by adding a layer of security with the password of
    the application installed on display.
    g) Remotely manage the creatives and updates.
    h) Adjust the device volume from the cms itself.
    i) Keep on top features to start the application over any other application.
    8. Screen Grouping
    a) Group the screens on the basis of location, orientation, and tags.
    b) Push the content directly from the group section and no need to manage
    each screen individually.
    c) Give permissions and access to store managers, operatives, and others to
    manage, view, and update the screens available at their stores.
    d) Form multiple groups based on the variability of the screens.
    e) Schedule the playlist directly to the groups made.
    f) Mapping of each group can be viewed easily by the management for better
    g) Add screens to the group through Excel when there are many screens in a
    single group.
    9. Team Accesses
    a) Create store-level managers and operators.
    b) Give permissions based on the member’s profile like the viewer, editor,
    manager, or others.
    c) You can assign these members to specific groups.
    d) Each member will be given login credentials and only the screens assigned
    will be visible to that member.
    10. Reports and analytics of each screen can be viewed. Clients can filter the dates
    for viewing the reports on the screens. All the associated data like media file
    name, duration, time, and date of the media player will be provided


    (NOT  Hardware requirement cloud player  multi Screen ) Subscription plan Available …..

    Horizontal vertical  Size Any screen

    signal page  page Menu board    ₹3000/-

    Animated video Ads create content Quality ₹5000/-

    Animated video  content 4k  premium Quality ₹ 15000/-

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              yes of Corse Do Not Need Buy New display Save  up to ₹85000/

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  • + Excalibur solution On-premises Corporate Digital Signage on LAN Network or WiFi Network

    ₹280000.00 /item

    Excalibur  solution authorize partner Of   Wilier On-premises Corporate Digital Signage on LAN Network or
    WiFi NetworkRequirements
    ● 1 Android Media Box with Android OS 5 and above Needed for 1 Screen.
    ● Local Network or Internet to Change Content on Screen.
    Technical and Feature Specification
    ● Both Portrait (Vertical) and Landscape (Horizontal) Displays are supported.
    ● Proof of Play Reporting for DOOH Ad Campaigns and Ad Networks.
    ● Auto Stretch Image and Video to fit Full Screen.
    ● Auto Start Media Play after Screen Start.
    ● Screen online status reporting.
    ● Media File Storage in Server’s Local File System.
    ● Large Files Uploads (Upto 2 GB).
    ● Dark and Light Mode in the web portal.
    ● Image, Videos, Web Page, and Scrolling Text.
    ● Offline Media Play on Screen (Need Internet only to change Content).
    ● Playlist-based system to assign content to multiple screens at once.
    ● Playlists can have multiple videos, images, and web at the same time.
    ● Single App Mode: No other App can be opened without Admin Password.
    ● The Supported File Formats Image : .jpg, .jpeg, png – Video : MP4 .
    ● Admin Enterprise Account and sub-admin Management.
    ● Approve process to avoid unauthorized uploads.
    ● Log History for File Uploads, Account Login and All user activity.
    ● Content Scheduling.
    ● Remote Screenshot.
    ● Network Online/Offline Logs.
    ● Drag and Drop Custom Layout and Playlist Builder.
    ● Tagging System for filtering the Screens by Relevant Customized Tags.
    ● Supports Multiple Widgets like YouTube, Weather, RTMP Live TV Streams, RSS.

    ● Geo-Location Mapping of All the Displays and View the Screens in a Map
    ● Day-part and Flexible Trigger Schedules for Changing Content as per Date
    and Time.
    ● Grouping of All the Screens to change content at the same time.
    ● Manage the pre-defined Sequences to use across multiple Different Playlists.

    Server Requirements
    Windows 10 64-bit Or Linux Ubuntu LTS 20 Version
    Intel i5 or Above Processor
    Server 12GB RAM 512GB ROM Windows/Linux to store media files, host Server,
    and CMS.
    The Database and Files will be stored on the Local/Private Signage Server.
    The server is expected to handle 100+ screens and if needed the server
    configurations can be upgraded by increasing RAM and ROM.
    Organizations can manage screens from the head branch server and deploy
    screens in other regions. (The Screens should be able to reach the Linux
    Server of the head branch through VPN or Web as per need.).


    Pricing Model
    On-premises/Private Cloud Digital Signage Client, Server

    ITEM License Duration Cost
    Digital Signage Server License
    This Server can be connected
    to as many screens as the Licenses are bought for.

    Lifetime 95000 INR

    Android Media Player – 7500 INR 18%$

    Digital Signage Software
    Lifetime Screen License

    Lifetime 35000INR – Per Screen

    *Licenses are to be purchased in bulk to avail of the offers.
    *Team can demo the software on screens to test the requirements before ordering.
    * This price excludes GST 18%
    Service Scope

    yer Signage Software
    ● Remote or Tele Support for Digital Signage Server and Screens.
    ● Troubleshooting will be done only remotely via Any Desk or remote access tools and would
    require assistance from the on-site staff of the client’s team.
    Hours of Coverage
    Support for the Digital Signage software system is provided from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through
    Friday except for periods of planned maintenance.
    Service Request Submission
    Service Requests can be submitted by calling. Current hours of operation are 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
    AMC After 1 Year (Optional): 10% of the Total


    ₹6000.00 /item

    welcome to Oem Odm Manufacture of digital sinning player

    Make Own Brand service 

      Business Import  Trade Deal Agreement

    Custom Logo :- Print log o on Product

    custom Packaging :- Print log o on Product

       Server Software :-  Order only Business Bulk product Quantity

    Server Softwire  provided By Free

    Business Moq = 100 to 250 pcs prize =₹6291

    Business Moq =  250 To 500 pcs  = ₹5871

            Business Moq = 500 to 1000 pcs ₹5452

    Sample order  Moq =2 pcs

    product Warranty one 1 Year

    payment et Termers 100% conform  perches order Advance import order

       shipping Method by Air by sea by By road by Transport

    Note :-import booking As final Quotations Discus & Supplier for Rfq

                 Business lead Time business 45 day

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Contact Information

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  • Monday:08:00 am to 06:00 pm
    • Tuesday:08:00 am to 06:00 pm
      • Wednesday:08:00 am to 06:00 pm
        • Thursday:08:00 am to 06:00 pm
          • Friday:08:00 am to 06:00 pm
            • Saturday:12:00 am to 12:00 am
              • Sunday:12:00 am to 12:00 am
                a/p kalambi tal -khatav, Satara, Maharatra, India
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